After the challenge, the overall quality of your day-to-day life will improve dramatically. You will feel more motivated to take on the challenges of life. It all comes from a healthier body, and mind. This is not all; yoga improves your flexibility, blood circulation, digestion and sense of balance thereby giving you that extra energy to stay ahead in life.
Yoga harmonizes the fluid movements and helps your body and mind to work in complete harmony, there by providing complete relaxation. Another major benefit of the 30-day challenge is that it improves your quality of sleep. Your stress levels come down and you feel a surge of energy in your body.
Intensive sweating and cardio-based yoga postures will inadvertently help you in shedding those extra kilos. Simply, make sure that you increase your water intake to prevent dehydration.
The 30 day yoga challenge has been designed to train your mind to be more peaceful and clutter-free. After taking classes for 30 consecutive days you will be able to channelize your energy to where you actually want to focus. Once you train your mind to become more aware and focused, it will not only help you to process information more accurately but also assist you in learning and retaining certain pieces of information. The best part of the program is that even if you miss a class, you can take two classes the following day.
Tuesday, Jan 7 - Wednesday, Feb 5, 2020
- 30 Classes –1 Challenge
- Transform your mind, body, spirit with a 30 day yoga challenge!
What You Get
- Extra motivation . Improved quality of life . Community support for your efforts
- A healthier mind, body, spirit . Improved flexibility and balance . Increased strength
- Improved circulation . Better digestion . Increased focus and metal clarity
- Reduced stress . Improved sense of self
- A chance to win one month unlimited membership ($150 value)
Here is how it works!
- Take a class everyday for 30 consecutive days
- Starts Tuesday Jan 7 –Ends Wednesday Feb 5, 2019
- If you can’t attend a class one day, you can take two classes the following day
Sign up
- Sign up in Studio today!