Yoga Teacher Training Application

Please note that a $500 non-refundable deposit will be required upon acceptance to hold your spot in the program.


Birth Date*



Home Phone*


Why do you enjoy practicing yoga? *

How long have you been practicing yoga, and how often do you practice? *

Where do you currently practice yoga, and with whom? *

Do you prefer a particular style of yoga over others? If so, explain why. *

How has yoga improved your lifestyle? *

What personal strengths and limitations do you perceive as part of your yoga practice? How can the Yoga Teacher Training Program help you enhance your strengths and overcome your limitations? *

Do you currently teach yoga? If so, where do you teach, and what styles do you teach? *

Why are you interested in being part of the Yoga Teacher Training Program? *

What goals can the Yoga Teacher Training Program help you achieve? *

Do you have any physical or medical concerns? If so, do you require any accommodations? *
